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Updated: Jun 27, 2024

We are excited to share with you the highlights from our recent Q&A session with Harvard Coach, Luke Hammond, who joined us as our guest coach for the week.

Thank you Luke for your passion and dedication all week!

1. What are qualities for a good squash player?

Some players have certain talents: speed, technique, physical strength… I think one of the things that is the most underrated is players who develop self-control, the capability to stay focused and stay present, and not let their emotions get too high too low. Players who can do that, usually get faster quicker. Don’t let yourself get too low or too high.

2. How do recommend players to deal with stress

You have to practice it. Practice it as much as you can. Playing someone you don’t like to play, go and set up a match with these kinds of players. Immerse yourself in a stressful environment, rather than avoid it. Recognize what is in your control, and what is out of your control. Don’t stress about what is not in your control. Recognizing and practicing what is in and out of your control, is really important for your mental growth.

3. Which player at Harvard was/is really good at dealing with stress?

Victor Crouin stands out to me - he always had that ability to coach himself. He could manage the voices in his head very well. Starting at a young age he worked at having a kind of “inner coach”, who accepted what he could control and what he could not control. He was so good at separating what was in his control and what was not in his control. That was very impressive.


4. If you are losing in a match, should you change your strategy or mindset?

Look at the mindset first. If your mindset is really negative, change that first. If your mindset is good, look at what you need to change strategy wise.

5. A tip about mentally strong players

I would encourage you to listen to your own story, the story you have in your head about you as a squash player. When you listen to other people talk about their game, you can hear them sometimes say they are the victim of what is happening. Be attentive of the story you are telling yourself as a player, and manage how you talk about what you can control, and whatnot. Don’t let things that you cannot control determine what you think or how you feel.

Thank you Luke and good luck next season at Harvard!



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