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Join us as a community to make a massive difference for pediatric cancer.


2025 event date will be launched soon

squash out cancer

Thank you.
We raised over $160,000 together.

You can still support.

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September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, a time to rally together and raise awareness for the fight against pediatric cancer. SQUASHOUTCANCER and MSquash took this mission to heart, bringing the community together for a day of squash matches and solidarity in the battle against childhood cancer.

We Fight and Play for Pediatric Cancer Research

The statistics are staggering: every year, over 300,000 new cases of cancer affect children under the age of 20 worldwide. In the U.S. alone, approximately 1 in 285 children will be diagnosed with cancer before their 20th birthday. Despite these alarming numbers, childhood cancer research remains severely underfunded.

Kids for Kids. Families for Families. One Match at a time.

The SquashOutCancer event raised an astonishing $160,000 in less than five months, thanks to the incredible support from the community. A total of 160 players came together to participate in this event, showing that when we unite through sport, we can achieve extraordinary things.

Gratitude and Support

A heartfelt thank you goes out to Dunlop Sports, PSA Foundation, Minuteman Press Norwalk, and squash stars like David Palmer, Stuart Crawford, Eain Ng Yow, Marina Stefanoni who donated one-on-one lesson experiences, and many others players who signed Dunlop rackets.

Together, we played the sport we love for a cause beyond our wildest dreams. This event proved that with collective effort, we can make a significant impact on pediatric cancer research and ultimately save lives.

Every year, an estimated 300,000+ new cases of cancer affect children under the age of 20 worldwide. Approximately 1 in 285 children in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer before their 20th birthday. This total could be lower, if all children received adequate care.  Unfortunately, childhood cancer research is consistently underfunded. This total could be lower, if all children received adequate care. Unfortunatey, childhood cancer research is consistenly underfunded. 

Supported by World Class Squash Stars


squash out cancer

Commited to making a difference

MSQUASH Founders Shaun Moxham and Katline Cauwels have long held the aspiration of establishing a fundraising campaign to generate revenue for cancer research. "We both have lost parents, family and friends to this disease and want to make a change." Every day we put our heart and soul in working with children on and off the court. We want to make a difference exactly with those children, for other children.

We quickly discovered our community shares more than ever the passion to make a difference for one of the least funded cancer research areas, pediatric cancer. It didn't take long to build a team. And here we are now, TOGETHER, young and older, to SQUASH OUT CANCER.


squash out cancer

September 2024 is Pediatric Cancer Month

No better way to start our inaugural SQUASH OUT CANCER fundraiser than September. Throughout the month,  we will be adding even more products to our auction, we will be running courtsprints for cancer, and we will play our hearts out during our SQUASH OUT CANCER DAY on SEPTEMBER 28, 2024. If you or a loved one have been affected by cancer and have felt hope-less, or scared, now is the time to change that feeling. 


squash out cancer

Support by playing, buying or just giving.

Helping us make a difference for all the kids and teens that need this so badly, is easy. Come and play squash. Form a team with friends, raise $5,000 or more and enjoy your time on court for a better cause.  Or buy an amazing squash experience or gift, or just give because you know we need to help.

Making a difference has never been so easy and right.

Meet The Team

Get Involved...
Because it matters to you.

Thank you for caring.

Proud and dedicated partners:

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